Early stage of modelling:
In 14th century Europe, Fashion was displayed to their royal clients by fashion dolls before the clothes were fully stitched their clients size.
In 1853 by Charles Frederick Worth is the first person who Established Modelling as a Profession, the Father of Haute Couture. His wife Marie Verne worth was the First Model of his designed clothes. The term “house model” described and then it’s become “Parisian Fashion House” on that period there were no physical measurement required for models most of the designers used different sizes of women for their variety of designs.
To Develop the Modelling profession they expanded to photography modelling “Fashion Photography” become the very popular in modelling Industry. Women were very much interested in Fashion Photography so the designer’s jobs were easy to promote their designs in short time. Models remained fairly anonymous, and the same time poorly paid. Until When the world’s first three Super models “Barbara Goalen, Bettina Graziani and Lisa Fonssagrives began commanding very large amount during 1940s and 1950s.For decades, modelling was a silent profession, where women were supposed to be seen and never heard.
“Now models have social media platforms, so even if they’re not incredibly well known, they can still have a relatively big following and articulate their views in a way they weren’t able to do before,” said Francesca Granata, director of the master’s program in fashion studies at Parsons.

Indeed, social media platforms have become part of their selling power, often included on their measurement cards. Many use these tools to express their belief that for all of its seeming glamour, the modelling industry remains overrun with problems that include labour exploitation, sexual harassment and body shaming.
Below, women in different stages of their careers sound off on their experiences.
People aren’t seeing different types of beauty because the publications, the designers, the people that are actually in the power to make it happen, aren’t making it happen. Fashion was always supposed to be the next new thing, the next trend. What’s more out of the box and progressive then having a size 14 or a size 16 woman on a cover of a magazine when there’s been a million straight-size women that have been on it?
Being a role model isn’t about showing people how to look like you. Being a role model is about using your freedom to show other people it’s safe to be themselves.
Who has not looked at a pretty model walking down the ramp in a fashion show and envied her glamorous lifestyle? Most of us, at one point or the other in life, admired models, their poise and charm. Some of us have even wanted to be models. However, the life and career of a model is not all glam, as it looks like from the outside. Modelling is not just about having a pretty face; it is much more than that. A lot goes into the making of a model, and that is just what this article attempts to tell you about. What it takes to be a model. The major prerequisites to becoming a fashion model are being photogenic and having an attitude. Being tall, slim and pretty are, of course, valuable assets to work with, but more important than that is being photogenic. Also, it is necessary for a model to have a confident attitude, a lot of grace and charm.
There are certain standard measurements for a fashion model that have evolved over time. The model should be tall and have a well-toned body. Commonly, female models are expected to have a height of at least 5’9″, while male models should be at least 6′ tall. Ideal body measurements for females are considered to be a bust of 34″, waist of 24″ and hips of 34″. However, nowadays, models in the plus-size category are also found. Though it is necessary that the model look well-toned and graceful, there is no standard weight that has been fixed. Usually, age does not factor much, as long as the other requirements are met; however, models in the age group of 15 to 22 are preferred at the start of a modelling career.
Fashion modelling is a highly competitive career. It would not be wrong to say that it is as demanding a career as it is lucrative. A lot of hard work, patience, dedication and strong determination are required to pursue a career in this field. A person starting out a career in fashion modelling usually has to face a lot of rejections and struggle. Hence, it is essential that the person persevere in the struggle and not give up midway.

A modelling career involves long hours in studios as well as on shoots in outdoor locations. To cope up with this hectic schedule, physical fitness is very important. It becomes mandatory to exercise regularly, eat and sleep healthy, and have a good beauty regimen in place. Physical fitness is as much a requirement in this field as is mental fitness.
Another very essential prerequisite is a highly professional attitude. A would-be model should be on time for assignments. It is necessary to be flexible and open-minded, and be accommodative to flexible timings as well as extensive travel schedules. The model might have to live alone for significant periods of time, making it necessary for him or her to be self-reliant to a great extent. Of course, willingness to live and travel alone is important. A model should have the capability to handle criticism well.
Contacts are of great importance in the field of modelling, due to which good communication and networking skills would be greatly helpful. A good sense of humour would not go amiss. Also, though it is not a prerequisite, it would be a great deal of help if the model has a bit of knowledge about acting and is camera-friendly.
A good sense of business helps the model in determining whether he or she is being justly paid for the assignments or not. Being a little business savvy would help in steering clear of exploitation.
Last, but not the least, a good sense of discretion and judgement would go a long way in a modelling career. Judgemental abilities would help the model in leading a ‘model’ life, avoiding excesses that the world of glamour invariably involves. A model should be able to use his discretionary powers to determine which assignments to undertake and which ones to avoid, so that his reputation is not tarnished.
How to get started
Considering that one possesses all the essential qualities, one has decided to go for a career in modelling. What next? Where to begin?
A would-be model should undertake thorough research on the fashion industry, and gain as much knowledge about the industry as possible. This helps significantly in building a sense of judgement.

After this, the next important step is to go for a portfolio. A portfolio is a set of photographs of the model, which helps in determining how photogenic he or she is. It is advisable to get a portfolio handled by a professional photographer. Photographs of the size 9″ x 12″ are considered ideal. A good portfolio contains 8-10 different kinds of photographs, a mix of black-and-white and coloured, casual and posed for. Each of these photographs should be a different location, garment and mood, so as to give an idea of how the model would look like in different situations. Generally, as and when a model gets established in the industry, he or she can add pictures from their work shoots.
Once the portfolio is ready, the would-be model should begin to contact modelling agencies, fashion designers and photographers in the industry. It is advisable to visit and study a number of agencies before signing a deal with one, to avoid changing the agency at a later stage. This gives an impression of being unprofessional, which is best avoided in the beginning of one’s career. To get a break into a modelling career, it would also be a good idea to take part in modelling contests organized by magazines, cosmetic firms and garment manufacturers. Participating in beauty pageants would also be a great way to break in.
Why be a fashion model?
Fashion model is indeed a wonderful field to work in. It is not only glamorous, but also a very exciting way to earn one’s living. It is, of course, a lucrative career option as well. One gets a chance to travel to exotic destinations and interact with the who’s who of the fashion industry.
So, do you think you have it in you? Then, as Subroto Bagchi says, “Go, kiss the world!”.
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